Tuesday 19 December 2017

Perimeter and area: the basics...

We will start the Spring term by revising area and perimeter. Do you know how to calculate the area and perimeter?

The last Straw Challenge

Millions of plastic straws pollute our ocean where endangered animals like sea turtles can choke on them. The average American eats out four times a week and almost everyone gets a straw (or two). If we get 25,000 people to skip the straw at restaurants every time, we can keep 5 million plastic straws out of our ocean and landfills in just one year.

Take the Last Straw Challenge: when eating out, ask your waiter or waitress to skip the straw.

How Much Plastic is in the Ocean? Have a look at this. Our new topic is called 'Material World'. We will be discussing recycling and the damage plastic does to our world.

Friday 15 December 2017

Christmas Break Home Learning

Over the Christmas period we would like you to really focus on your reading and times tables! Please read as much as you can and take every possible opportunity to make sure you know your times tables inside out!

As for spellings... We are now a third of the way through year 5. This means you should really know all of the words on our word mats by now. Click the link below to see the list of words!

Year 5 Spelling List

Happy Christmas 5 Poplar!

'Twas the night before Christmas, when in Shaftesbury town,
There were excited year 5's needing to calm down!
Their stockings were hung and trees all ready,
But from Santa did they deserve a toy or a teddy?!

The children were reluctantly heading to their beds,
While excitement for the next day rushed around in their heads.
Their teachers were relaxed and enjoying some rest,
But their parents were thinking that school term time is best!

Once finally settled, the children fell fast asleep,
They knew they must stay in their beds without a peep.
As Father Christmas filled up their stockings and smiled,
The teachers were pleased with the progress of each child.

Christmas morning came and the children woke early,
It was Mrs Charlesworth's first Christmas not being Miss Birley!
Teachers and children ran downstairs with a cheer,
And all were happy to shout "Santa has been here!"

All were having a well deserved break from school,
Spending time with their families, taking time to refuel.
New year would soon come and to school they'd return,
Ready to work hard and excited to learn.

So for now Happy Christmas to Poplar class,
Enjoy your holidays for time with families will fly past.
Well done for your work in the first term of year five,
When we come back in January to even higher places we will strive!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - enjoy your break, spend precious time with your families and get ready for working hard in your next term in year 5!

Friday 1 December 2017

5 Poplar Home Learning

This week the children have been sent home with some word problems where they must draw upon their times tables knowledge.

We are doing long multiplication and bus stop division in class at the moment and our times tables really help us with working out the answers to some really difficult calculations!

So, to help with this any additional time spent learning our times tables would be brilliant! At school we use times tables rockstars, but there are a lot of games we can play at home too. Have a go at some of these and let Mrs C know how you get on!

Top Marks Times tables games

5 Poplar Spellings 1/12/17

Learn these spellings ready to be tested on 8/12/17. Make sure you know what they all mean - look them up if you’re not sure! Use the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ table to help you (look at the word, cover it, write it, check it and then repeat). It can help you learn them if you write them into sentences too.


Write and check
Write and check
Write and check











Write and check
Write and check
Write and check











Write and check
Write and check
Write and check








